About the Library
Library Code of Conduct
Visitors may NOT:
- Engage in DISRUPTIVE behavior (viewing obscene or pornographic material, having loud conversations or cell phone alerts, offensive body odor, etc).
- EAT or DRINK (except capped water bottles)
- SLEEP (Sleeping by students beyond the usual short study nap is discouraged in the library. Community users are reminded that the library is open for research purposes, and sleeping is not allowed.)
- Leave CHILDREN unattended or allow children to engage in disruptive behavior.
- OBSTRUCT AISLES with belongings or leave belongings or packages unattended.
- Bring LARGE BAGS into the library.
- Bring BICYCLES into the library.
- Bring ANIMALS into the library (except service animals).
- Enter the library with bare feet, without a shirt, or clothing that results in excessive exposure.
- Patrons must allow staff to search their belongings if they have set off the security alarm when attempting to exit or if staff have any reason to suspect they may have library items that were not properly checked out.
Computers are available for research and include Internet access and Microsoft Office programs. Wireless access for equipped laptops is available to students and guests.
Visitors are welcome to use the Library as a study space as long as they abide by the code of conduct above. The Library does not offer computer or printing services to visitors; please see the LAMC Welcome Center.
District Administrative Regulation B-27 (pdf), states in part: “The Los Angeles Community College District provides computers, networks and computerized records (“computing facilities”), for use by students, faculty, staff and administrators. These resources are intended to facilitate education, research, academic development and service to the public. Each individual user of these facilities (“user”) is expected to exercise responsibility, use computing resources ethically and respect the rights and privacy of others.”
The Library collection includes more than 56,000 print books, 350,000 e-books (Ebsco eBooks) and 1,500 reference e-books (Gale eBooks). Newspaper, magazine and journal articles, and other resources, can be found at the Library Databases page.
Print books can be found using the catalog, and are in the following locations:
- Main Stacks: sorted by Library of Congress call numbers;
- Oversize: LC call number is preceded by an asterisk (*); taller than 28 cm.
- Children's Literature: LC call number is preceded by an "X";
- Basic Skills: LC call number is preceded by a number sign (#);
- Paperback: sorted alphabetically by author's last name.
- Reserves: for 2-hour library use. Ask for them by title at the circulation counter.
- Reference: sorted by Library of Congress call numbers; library use only.
Guides to Library of Congress call numbers.
If you would like the Library to consider acquiring a book, please use the Book Request Form. The library will not purchase items that are owned and currently checked out. We cannot guarantee that all items will be purchased nor can we guarantee how long an item will take to acquire. The library does not purchase textbooks, we rely on instructors to purchase library copies for students.
An after-hour book return is located behind the Library on Hubbard Street. There is a book drop at the Circulation counter, and another two just outside the doors to the Library.
Only currently employed faculty/staff and currently registered students are eligible to borrow materials. Your campus I.D. card is your library card. You must have it, or a picture ID and your student ID number, with you when you want to borrow materials.
Most material can be checked out for 28 days at a time, and cannot be renewed.
A maximum of 10 books can be checked out at one time. Unreturned books will result in a block placed on registration. In addition to the cost of the book, there is a $10 processing fee.
If a book or other item is currently checked out, patrons may request the item using the request feature in the catalog. You will receive an email once the item is ready for pick up. Please note that requests cannot be placed on Reserve Items.
Students not wanting to travel to a sister campus library may borrow books through the request system described above.
- Fines and fees incurred by students must be paid at the library the items were borrowed from.
- Reserve items cannot be requested.
An overhead scanner is available for student use. There is a 30-minute time limit.
Students must visit the Business Office in order to load funds to their student print account. Account-operated copiers/printers are located in the Library for student use at 10 cents a page. Color printing is available for 40 cents a page.
Found items should be returned to the Circulation counter. Items are periodically taken to Campus Security.
Due to social distancing guidelines, study rooms are not available at this time.
The mission of LAMC Library is to provide our students, staff, and faculty access to organized collections and information, to support instruction, and in collaboration with other academic programs, to encourage and facilitate information competency and critical thinking skills in all students.
- The library provides a print and electronic collection that is current and useful for class assignments.
- Students are served by knowledgeable and helpful librarians and staff.
- Students utilize and are satisfied with library resources and services.
- Faculty collaborate with librarians on course and assignment resources.
- Students apply effective research strategies to find and evaluate print and online sources on an identified topic.
- Students cite sources correctly following APA or MLA citation style guidelines.
Library instruction supports Institution Learning Outcomes (ILO's) specifically the Information Competency ILO: Students will demonstrate information competency by combining aspects of library literacy, research methods, and technological literacy. It includes consideration of ethical and legal implications of information and requires the application of both critical thinking and communication skills. Evidence will be the ability to find, evaluate, use, and communicate information in all its various formats
The primary objective for collection development activities at the LAMC Library is to build and maintain a library collection that supports student success at the college. Towards this goal, the library supports the teaching needs of the faculty, and the research needs of students by developing a relevant collection. Full Policy Document.
- Reference appointments can provide guidance on MLA and APA formatting/citations and research/databases.
- Book early and let us help you!
Help Desk
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Reference Desk: (818) 364-7600 ext: 7105
Circulation Desk: (818) 364-7600 ext: 7106
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