Campus clock tower at sunset




Helps students, faculty, and staff learn about AB 540 and how to help AB 540 students.

Asian Pacific American Legal Center

Offers low-cost immigration-related services and a list of scholarships available to undocumented students.

Asian Students Promoting Immigrant Rights through Education (ASPIRE)

ASPIRE empowers undocumented Asian Pacific Islander youth and young adults to educate, advocate, organize, and mobilize, for the rights of immigrant families. Their version is to build an inclusive and socially just society.

California Dream Act Application

This application allows students enrolled in eligible California colleges, universities, and career education programs to apply for state Dream Center.

California Dream Center Loan Program

The California Dream Center Loan Program provides eligible undocumented AB 540 undergraduates with the option to borrow loans to help cover the cost of attending UC.

California Mexico Studies Center (CMSC)

CMSC in collaboration with various colleges and universities offer a program that gives undocumented students the opportunity to study abroad in Mexico.

Central American Resource Center

This is a non-profit low cost legal advice organization.

Chicano Organizing & Research in Education (CORE)

CORE proudly sponsors this scholarship to help undocumented students continue on their academic path.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

On June 15, 2012, the Secretary of Homeland Security announced that certain people who came to the United States as children and meet several guidelines may request consideration of deferred action for a period of two years subject to renewal. They are also eligible for work authorization. Deferred action is a use of prosecutorial discretion to defer removal action against an individual for a certain period of time.

Department of Education Resource Guide

Provides a resource guide that supports undocumented students at the secondary and postsecondary school level.

Dream Center Resource Center

Supports student achieve their educational goals and keep the community updated with local and national policies.

Immigrants Rising

Website that offers academic, career, personal, financial, and legal resources for undocumented students and their community.


Contains information about Dream Center and scholarships for undocumented students and illegal aliens.

Golden Door Scholars

They provide with scholarship information for undocumented students.


Gradd is an organization founded by AB540 graduate students that aim to address the needs of immigrant's students interested in pursuing graduate education.

Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles

A non-profit low cost legal advice organization.

Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)

MALDEF currently offers: a Scholarship Resource Guide for high school, college, and graduate students; and a Law School Scholarship Program for law students.

My Undocumented Life

Provides up-to-date information and resources to undocumented immigrants. They post scholarship opportunities that are open to undocumented students, strategies, for navigating the educational system, information on how to apply for DACA/Advanced Parole, news on DAPA, and much more.

National Immigration Law Center (NILC)

NILC is one of the leading organizations in the U.S exclusively dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of low-income immigrants.

Pre-Health Dream Centerers (PHD)

PHD is a network and support system for undocumented students pursuing health and science career.

Salvadorian American Legal and Education Fund

An organization that offers scholarship to undocumented students.

Provides information about scholarships, including scholarships for undocumented AB 540 and DACA students.

The Dream Center BAR Association

They provide membership to undocumented pre-law and current undocumented students, as well as practitioners and paralegals.

Contact Us

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 3:00PM
Fridays: By appointment only
Saturdays to Sundays: closed

Currently the Dream Resource Center staff is available for in-person and Online services. To schedule a meeting, please call us or send us an email.

Instructional Building, Office Room 1050

(Behind the Clock Tower)


Email: @email
Phone: (818) 833-3599 - Office Line