
Basic Needs Week

March 7, 2023


Join us for Basic Needs Week!

We will be hosting our first ever Basic Needs Week, March 13th through the 16th, from 12–2pm in the Campus Center. Each day we will be highlighting a specific need that our Basic Needs Center supports.

Our Dream Resource Center, Foster Youth Program, and the L.A. City Department of Public Health will be present every day with information about their services, and our Success Coaches will be available to assist students with financial aid information and applications.


Housing: The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority will be available along with several other City and local services. More information.


CalFresh/Food Insecurity: CalFresh is the largest food program in California and college representatives will be able to assist you with signing up for this federally funded program. More Information.


Mental Health: Several of our local mental health partners will be in attendance to review their services and answer questions. More Information.


Employment: The Employment Development Department will be in attendance along with several other City and local services. Live Scan will be on hand providing FREE services (this service is free with a complete a waiver). Professional headshot services will be available, so remember to dress to impress! More Information.

March 13–16
12–2 pm

Campus Center Main