Campus View by Night


Do you know you ILOs?

A word to students: Knowing the SLOs for your classes, our ILOs, and our Mission Statement is part of your educational process. Please read these seven Outcomes and explore the links under each. Ask your instructors about SLOs. Attend workshops in the Learning Resource Center, visit our Success Centers, and use our online materials. Choose success.

By the time you graduate or transfer, you should be able to demonstrate proficiency in:

Print your CHECKLIST here

Students will demonstrate the interactive nature of communication involving speaking, writing, listening and reading. Evidence will be the student’s ability to make a clear, well-organized verbal presentation employing appropriate evidence to support the arguments or conclusions and to write a clear, well-organized paper using documentation and quantitative tools when appropriate.

Definition: Learners express themselves clearly and concisely to others in logical, well-organized papers and/or verbal presentations using documentation and quantitative tools when appropriate. Learners listen, understand, debate, and use information communicated by others.

You should be able to demonstrate proficiency in the following areas:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Listening
  • Speaking and/or Conversing and/or Debating
  • Interpersonal Interactions

Evaluate your skills! Links to Learning:

  • Watch ASC Videos on Common Writing Errors
  • Watch ASC Videos about documenting sources
  • Watch Library Videos about documenting sources
  • Improve reading skills with ;Reading Plus at the ASC

Print your CHECKLIST here

Students will demonstrate information competency by combining aspects of library literacy, research methods and technological literacy. It includes consideration of ethical and legal implications of information and requires the application of both critical thinking and communication skills. Evidence will be the ability to find, evaluate, use, and communicate information in all its various formats.

Definition: Learners recognize the need for information and define a research topic; select, access, and use appropriate sources to obtain relevant data; evaluate sources for reliability and accuracy; and use information in an ethical and legal manner.

You should be able to demonstrate proficiency in the following areas:

  • Research Strategies
  • Information Location/Retrieval
  • Evaluation of Information
  • Ethical & Legal Use of Information

Evaluate your skills! Links to Learning:

Print your CHECKLIST here

Students will demonstrate the ability to solve problems by examining, selecting, using and evaluating various approaches to developing solutions. Evidence will be the ability to observe and draw reasonable inferences from observations, distinguish between relevant and irrelevant data, define problems, analyze the structure of discipline or profession-based problem solving frameworks and to use such frameworks and strategies to develop solutions.

Definition: Learners evaluate the credibility and significance of information, effectively interpret, analyze, synthesize explain, and infer concepts and ideas; solve problems and make decisions; and construct and deconstruct arguments.

You should be able to demonstrate proficiency in the following areas:

  • Evaluation
  • Analysis and/or Synthesis
  • Interpretation and/or Inference
  • Problem Solving
  • Construct and/or Deconstruct Arguments

Evaluate your skills! Links to Learning:

Watch& ASC Videos to learn about Critical Thinking Skill

Print your CHECKLIST here

Students will demonstrate quantitative reasoning by identifying relevant data (numerical information in mathematical or other contexts), selecting or developing models appropriate to the problem which represents the data (organized representations of numerical information, e.g., equations, tables, graphs), obtaining and describing results and drawing inferences from data. Evidence will be the ability to extract appropriate data from a problem, to arrange data into tables and graphs or to select or set up an equation or formula, to obtain correct results, to describe trends and features in those results and to make predictions or estimates while drawing qualitative conclusions about the original situation.

Definition: Learners understand, interpret, and manipulate numeric or symbolic information; solve problems by selecting and applying appropriate quantitative methods such as arithmetic, quantitative reasoning, estimation, measurement, probability, statistics, algebra, geometry and trigonometry; and present information and construct arguments with the use of numerical and/or statistical support.

You should be able to demonstrate proficiency in the following areas:

  • Interpretion and Construction of Mathematical Models
  • Problem Solving Using Quantitative Models
  • Construction of Arguments Using Numerical/Statistical Support

Evaluate your skills! Links to Learning:

Watch Math Center Videos

Print your CHECKLIST here

Students will demonstrate aesthetic responsiveness by taking a position on and communicating the merits of specific works of art, music and literature and how those works reflect human values. Evidence will be written or oral communications that articulate a personal response to works of art, explain how personal and formal factors shape that response and connect works of art to broader contexts.

You should be able to demonstrate proficiency in the following areas:

  • Evaluation of Merits of Works of Art
  • Articulation of a Persona Response to Works of Art
  • Appreciation of Artistic Expression and Variety

Definition: Learners recognize and analyze the interconnectedness of global, national, and local concerns, analyzing cultural, political, social and environmental issues from multiple perspectives; they recognize the interdependence of the global environment and humanity.

Evaluate your skills! Links to Learning:

  • Watch Videos to learn about Aesthetic Responsiveness

Print your CHECKLIST here

Students will demonstrate facility in making value judgments and ethical decisions by analyzing and formulating the value foundation/framework of a specific area of knowledge in its theory and practice or in a professional context. Evidence will be the ability to identify own values, infer and analyze values in artistic and humanistic works as well as scientific and technological developments and to engage in values-inflected and ethical decision-making in multiple contexts.

Definition: Learners demonstrate an understanding of the consequences, both positive and negative, of technological developments and their own actions. Learners set personal, academic and career goals; and seek and utilize the appropriate resources to reach such goals.

You should be able to demonstrate proficiency in the following areas:

  • Ethical Reasoning
  • Self Management
  • Self Awareness
  • Study Skills

Evaluate your skills! Links to Learning:

Watch LRC Videos on 8 Essential Lessons for Academic Success

Print your CHECKLIST here

Students will demonstrate global perspectives by generating theoretical and pragmatic approaches to global problems within a disciplinary or professional context. They will develop responsibility toward the global environment in others. Evidence will be the ability to analyze global issues from multiple perspectives, to articulate understanding of interconnected local and global issues, and apply frameworks in formulating a response to global concerns and local issues.

Definition: Learners recognize and analyze the interconnectedness of global, national, and local concerns, analyzing cultural, political, social and environmental issues from multiple perspectives; they recognize the interdependence of the global environment and humanity.

You should be able to demonstrate proficiency in the following areas:

  • Scientific Complexities
  • Social and Cultural Diversity
  • Ethical Reasoning
  • Environmental Issues
  • Politics

Evaluate your skills! Links to Learning:

Watch ASC Videos to learn about Critical Thinking Skills

Ask your instructors about SLOs too!

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